Synopsis et Consensus de la critique
In a prison for the criminally insane, deranged anthropologist Ethan Powell is set to be examined by a bright young psychiatrist, Theo Caulder. Driven by ambition and a hunger for the truth, Caulder will eventually risk everything -- even put his very life on the line -- in a harrowing attempt to understand the bizarre actions of this madman.
- De Jon Turteltaub
- Avec Anthony Hopkins, Cuba Gooding Jr., Donald Sutherland
- Nationalité Américain
avis du public :
critique presse :
- Genre Drame , Aventure
- Sous-genre Blockbuster
- Thématique Société , Prison/Univers carcéral , Psychologie/Psychologue
- Émotion Suspense
Listes de films avec Instinct