The Trials Of Darryl Hunt

Synopsis et Consensus de la critique

"The Trials of Darryl Hunt" is a feature documentary about a brutal rape/murder case and a wrongly convicted man, Darryl Hunt, who spent nearly twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Both a social justice story and a personally driven narrative, the film chronicles this capital case from 1984 through 2004. With exclusive footage from two decades, the film frames the judicial and emotional response to a chilling crime - and the implications that reverberate from Hunt's conviction - against a backdrop of class and racial bias in the South and in the American criminal justice system.

Trials of Darryl Hunt (The)
  • De Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg
  • Avec
  • Nationalité Américain

avis du public :


critique presse :


  • Genre
  • Sous-genre
  • Thématique
  • Émotion
  • Origine
  • Studio
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